Soft Skills
For the past many years in every sector recruiters are looking for employee who excels in both hard skills and soft skills for the company’s improvement. Hard skills are teachable. Hard skills are the technical skills that are taught to us in our academics whereas; soft skills are the skills that are defined in a person. Soft skills encompasses with social skills, personality, communication skills and personal traits. A study found 80% of achievements are achieved by soft skills and 20% by hard skills. Thus, soft skills are one of the important traits that organizations are looking for.
In Aeromate we have a module that includes personality development, communication skills, inter personal relationships, team building, leadership, time management, presentation skills, managing stress, thinking skills, problem solving, decision making, employment communication and workplace etiquette.
This will give students an illustrative idea of work environment behavior which will help them to have peaceful work territory.
Team Management
Most of the institutes, companies and organizations are looking for candidates who have the ability to manage a team or a group also called as team management which makes us wonder what and why is it required? Not only the organizations but also in schools has teachers looked beyond marks for a student with a quality to manage or maintain the class to become a leader. Firstly, what is a team? And why is it important to work as a team? Team is a group of individuals. Members of a team usually have a common goal or objective. Working in a team together in harmony is team work. For instance, our body works as a team. Our respiratory system, nervous system, digestive system and all the rest of our parts works as a team to achieve proper functioning of our body. The interesting point is if any one of the parts fails the body will not be functioning well as the rest of the body parts can’t do the defected part’s job and in the same way if one person is uninvolved or precluded the whole goal will not be attained. Team work is required in most of the platforms to achieve success. As one person cannot have knowledge in various sectors by connecting ideas in a team new innovations will be generated.
Now let us discuss about what team management is and its benefits. Team management is the capability of a person to orchestrate and coordinate the team. Team management involves in enhancing the ability to find the issues and resolving those conflicts. It makes people work with different intellect and pick up wide range of ideas. It gives high chance for adopting cogitation and conceptions. Team management promotes the central dimension of an individual’s personality to become versatile. It amplifies the competence of the team. With team management the repetition of mistakes done in the past can be avoided. Concerning with the present scenario problems to be confronted will be avoided. For the better future management oversight on the issue can be avoided.
T- Together.
E- Everyone.
A- Achieves.
M- More.
Aeromate has professional trainers who train students concerning this aspect. We conduct different activities by forming groups or teams and make students take copious notes regarding this concept which helps them professionally as one has to know how to work in a team and share the ideas in a common environment and also personally as it incorporates a behavior to listen to their family, friends and relatives and to maintain peaceful relationship with everyone for a smooth better life.
This training teaches student to co-ordinate, to mentor, making a decision and improve social perceptiveness. This elevates to foster loyalty towards team and organization. Every company, organization, industry and even in daily life team management is perceived. This will build inter-personal skills. Students will solve a problem through multidisciplinary approach. They acquire mental stability and cohesive team building. This will help them to manage their anger and control their ego. It helps to build trust on fellow human being.
Wellness and Fitness Guidance
Generally one takes care of their body as a temple, it is a known fact. But what actually is wellness? Are wellness and fitness the same? The fact is no, Wellness is more comprehensive than fitness. Wellness capsulate your whole life, there are many dimensions of wellness like occupational, intellectual, physical, environmental, social, physical and emotional etc., All these should be balanced appositely. This helps to establish a healthy rapport with the fellow human being. Whereas Fitness is your physical health. It deals with your strength, food intake, flexibility, etc.
Let’s discuss why does Aeromate have wellness and fitness activity? To crack in an interview in cabin crew one has to pass the BMI (Body Mass Index) test. It has to be in between 18 to 25 for male and 18 to 23 for female. Aeromate gives our students a proper diet to their high and low days for both weight gain and weight loss. Fitness is a very important aspect in aviation. One should be healthy and active to work in aviation industry. We will make sure students take their proteins and other nutrients regularly and have perfect BMI. With this students will have confidence to crack the test with great credence. There will be a hectic schedule in aviation during some days so one has to be fit to work under severe tensity.